Footsteps Movie
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Dine to Make a Difference with Bob Evans Restaurants
Friday, July 13, 2012
Dine to Make a Difference with Bob Evans & Footsteps to the Future
Thursday, July 19, 2012 from 4:pm-8pm
Bob Evans on Cypress Lake Drive and US 41 in Fort Myers, FL
Print out the flyer below or email to receive the event flyer. It MUST be presented at the time of check out!
Bob Evans on Cypress Lake Drive is partnering with Footsteps to the Future to raise funds for their Academic Achievement Program. Bob Evans will donate 15% of sales when you present the event flyer Thursday, July 19th from 4:00p – 8:00pm at the Bob Evans on Cypress Lake Drive and US 41.
Did you Know???
There are over 600,000 foster youth in the United States. Only 30% of foster youth have a high school diploma or a GED when they "age out" of the system when they turn 18? We feel an Education is the passport out of poverty. By dining at the Bob Evans on Cypress Lake Drive in Fort Myers, FL on July 19th, you can help “our girls” achieve academic success!!!
Monday, November 21, 2011
We need your nominations
click here to learn how you can nominate Footsteps
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Truly Giving for Christmas
Gifts Cards with a Purpose
So not sure what to do to make yourself feel better and to be happy?? My solution to that problem is so very simple, rewarding and is not going to “break the bank!!”
Reach out and help someone less fortunate than your self!
Make someone Happy, it feels so good!
Try it, you’ll like it!!
Maybe you can get your friends or co- workers to help…Maybe your family wants to “adopt” a child for Christmas? Did you know foster kids don’t have families to give to them at the Holidays and for that matter at any time ?
We are Footsteps to the Future: Our purpose is to provide tools of empowerment to guide, encourage and mentor young women in and “aging out” of foster care, helping them make positive choices to reach their highest human potential on the path they choose.
It is our intention to work towards providing them with safe, affordable housing, a place where they are able to transition into living independently and to become self-sufficient, productive members of the community.
“Every woman and every man too, must take responsibility in their hearts for all children. As the parental generation, every child is our child. To ignore the state of our children is to ignore the state of the world...”
I am asking you wonderful people who decide to help us out for the holidays to know the following:
- We are grateful for all help and everything people donate is tax deductible as we are a 501c3 tax exempt organization and we will send you a tax donation letter when we receive your donation.
- Over 85 % of all monies ever received go directly to the girls and the services we provide them... Our group is mostly volunteer with a few low paid independent contractors who provide life coaching , recruitment and mental health services
- We accept money, gift cards and direct gifts for the girls and their children for the Holidays.
- We have about 56 young women & about 37 children who we are getting gifts for this year, need gifts by Dec 5th
As the days are drawing closer to our Holiday party some people have suggested that they would like to ask their friends, groups and offices to get gift cards and have asked me to make some suggestions. Many of our young women need more than traditional Christmas gifts so I suggest gift cards from places like Wal-Mart and Target as there they can purchase cleaning supplies, food, diapers for their children and school supplies. Gas cards are also very helpful.
Thank you so much for thinking of Footsteps and our young women. If you want I can send you a few things about us you may want to share with your group. Thank you for your generosity!
Whatever you can do, we will be so grateful! And if you are not able to help at this time we will love you just the same!
Judi Woods
Founder and Executive Director
Footsteps to the Future, Inc
16956 McGregor Blvd. Suite 2
Ft Myers, Fl 33908
239 281-7378
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Gearing up for National Mentoring Month
National Mentoring Month Has New Partner in Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, November 08, 2011 - HandsOn Greater DC Cares and Concerned Black Men – National Organization have joined together to be the official lead partner in National Mentoring Month 2012 for Washington, D.C.
“It is wonderful that these organizations will be leading the National Mentoring Month efforts in our nation’s capital next January,” said MENTOR’s President and CEO Dr. Larry Wright. “When residents there want to respond to National Mentoring Month’s call for youth mentors, they will have a central place to go to find the quality mentoring opportunities that suit them best.”
HandsOn Greater DC Cares CEO Greg Roberts added, “HandsOn Greater DC Cares has partnered with a broad coalition of mentoring organizations in the greater D.C. region to recruit 500+ mentors, build each organization’s capacity and raise awareness for mentoring. Among the members of this mentoring coalition, Concerned Black Men – National Organization stands out as a leader in building partnerships for effective mentor recruitment, leading a collaborative effort to ensure that the mentor volunteer pool is reflective of the diverse community we live in. We’re glad to be a local partner for National Mentoring Month.”
"Concerned Black Men – National Organization (CBM) is proud to partner with HandsOn Greater DC Cares for National Mentoring Month. Concerned Black Men and HandsOn Greater DC Cares share the vision of ensuring that every child in the nation's capital has a responsible adult in his or her life,” said CBM Executive Director George Garrow. “Mentoring is an organizational priority for CBM, and we thank MENTOR and its partners for the opportunity to highlight this work."
The Harvard School of Public Health and MENTOR created National Mentoring Month 11 years ago this coming January and in 2006 welcomed the Corporation for National and Community Service as a national partner. It is an annual, concentrated burst of national and local media activity combined with White House and Congressional involvement and extensive community outreach that serves as a vehicle for institutionalizing America’s commitment to long-term youth mentoring.
The goals of National Mentoring Month are to: 1) raise awareness of mentoring; 2) promote the rapid growth of mentoring in all of its forms, including workplace, school-based and faith-based mentoring; 3) advocate for federal and state mentoring support; and 4) recruit individuals to serve as mentors.
The theme for National Mentoring Month 2012 is Invest in the Future. Mentor a Child, and General Colin Powell will continue to be the national spokesperson for the initiative.
The successful implementation of National Mentoring Month in individual media markets depends on the support and participation of local media outlets, businesses, faith-based institutions, membership organizations, schools and nonprofits in the mentoring field. In each media market, a Local Lead Nonprofit Partner (LLNP) is responsible for coordinating a community's activities to take maximum advantage of National Mentoring Month.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Calling All Shoppers - Shop While You Donate to FTTF
Mark your calendars! It's a great time to shop for your holiday gifts!
FTTF fundraiser for the Belk Charity sale day at Gulf Coast Towne Center.
What: Belk Charity Sale Day
When: Sat. November 5th
6am to 10am
Where: Belk's Dept. Store
Gulf Coast Towne Center
They offer merchandise and gift items in women's apparel, jewelry, accessories, shoes, mens, childrens, home goods and more.
The Opportunity:
Belk's department stores holds a charity sale a couple times during the year to help local charities.
It is an exclusive event and prices are drastically marked down for holiday shopping!
Family, friends and associates may purchase $5 ticket(s) for the event. 100% of the $5 ticket donation goes directly to FTTF.
At checkout, ticket holders will receive an additional $5 off the sale price of an item they purchase.
Only one ticket per item is allowed. Shoppers may purchase multiple tickets to save an additional $5 off each item, on all of their purchases during the sale.
Net to the person who buys the ticket is $0, net to FTTF is $5. All tickets sold prior to the sale will go directly to FTTF.
During the sale, FTTF will be onsite to sell to Belk's customers. All local non-profits who will be there during the sale, will share in the ticket sale amount that day - so pre-purchase your tickets directly from FTTF if you can.
This is a wonderful opportunity to tap into the holiday gift season and raise funds for FTTF!
Contact Caroline to get your tickets at: